Full Professor in the Computer Science Department
Faculty of Science and Techniques of Mohammedia
University Hassan II, Casablanca, Morocco
received his PhD degree from the UPMC, France in 2004 in Computer Science. He is currently a full Professor in Department of Computer Science, University Hassan II Casablanca, Faculty of Sciences and Technologies, Mohammedia, Morocco. His current research interests include machine learning, data and text mining (Arabic) and Big Data. He is the author of many research papers published at conference proceedings and international journals in Arabic text mining, bioinformatics, genetic algorithms and fuzzy sets and systems.
Full Professor in Computer Science, in 2016
HDR in Computer Science, in 2010
Faculty of Science , University Chouaib Doukkali EL Jadida
DESA in Mathematics and informatics, in 2000
ORCID Google Scholar Scopus Publons
Project 1: E-Orientation
Thematic Center: SISA3
Project 2: Big Data and connected objects serving the Casablanca citizens(BDOC)
Thematic center: 8
General Chair for: Journée d'Informatique Décisionelle (JID 2010) in 2010, Faculty of Science El Jadida.
Member of scientific committees and sessions president in many international conferences:
SADASC'22, ICDS2021, ADACI-IJASCA 2020, SITA'20, SADASC'20 ICACIN 2020, ICCSRE2019, JDSIRT'18, ICDS2018, SITA’18, ICDS2017, SADASC'18, AWICT 2017, JDSIRT17, NGNS16, sadasc2016, SITA'16, AICCSA 2016, TIM'16, ICALP'17, CICLing 2016, JDILA 2015, SITA'15, CLOUDTECH 2015, AWICT 2015, ISCV 2015, CITALA14, SITA'14, ICMCS'14, SITA'13, SITA'12,
• Big Data (Big Data Specialist with IBM BigInsights V2.1 certificate): origin of Big Data, Big Data in organizations (3V), NoSQL, MapReduce algorithm and the Hadoop framework….
• Decisional computing (business intelligence): Datawerhouse, OLAP…..
• Data mining: Data pre-processing (KDD), Supervised classification methods,
• Unsupervised classification methods, data mining software (Weka, Businessobject)
• Artificial Intelligence (AI): Search algorithms (A*, min-max, alpha-beta, etc….), logic of predicates, logic of propositions, inference, expert systems, learning, fuzzy logic….
• Logic programming: PROLOG, LISP
• Programming language for real time: ADA
• Object-oriented design and programming (COO and POO): C++, Visual C++ 6.0 and JAVA.
• Unix operating systems: Use and Administration.
• Language theory and compilation: regular expressions, automata, lexical analysis, syntactic analysis, semantic analysis, code generation.
• Procedural languages: Pascal, C.
• Advanced data structures: Lists, stacks, queues, trees and graphs.
• Modelling language and method: Merise and UML.
• DBMS: Microsoft SQL Server 2012 (Microsoft Certified Professional MCP and Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate: SQL Server 2012).
• Web technologies: HTML, DHTML, XML, ASP, PHP and JSP.
• Approximate reasoning based on similarity measures,
• Fuzzy logic, genetic algorithms and machine learning techniques for decision support.
• Data mining for risk forecasting, information retrieval and user modeling.
• Text mining applied to the Arabic language.
• Design and development of machine learning approaches in a Big Data context.
• Recognition of emotions from images
• Thesis supervised and defended in 07 January 2017: Dr. Walid Cherif (Currently Assistant professor in ESI-Rabat, Morocco). Title of thesis: Nouvelles techniques de Data mining appliquées à l'analyse d'opinions du texte arabe.
• Thesis supervised and defended in 19 Octobre October 2019: Dr. Bahassine Said (Currently Assistant professor in ENSAM-Casablanca, Morocco). Title of thesis: Nouvelles techniques de Text mining appliquées à la catégorisation du texte arabe.
• Thesis co-supervised and defended in 18 December 2019: Dr. Salmam Fatima Zahra(Currently Assistant professor in ENS-Rabat, Morocco). Title of thesis: Nouvelles approches de reconnaissance des émotions à partir des expressions faciale basée sur l'apprentissage profond.
• Thesis supervised and defended in 16 October 2021: Dr. AMAZAL Houda(Currently Teacher in OFPPT-Mohammedia, Morocco). Title of thesis: Approches Big Data pour la sélection des caractéristiques et la classification des données textuelles.
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